Saturday, September 29, 2012

I Moved to Omaha

A cash mob event at a local grocery store. News cameras were there, so we made sure to do our best background acting.

IT'S BEEN 27 DAYS SINCE I moved to Omaha, Nebraska, from Hollywood, California, and despite completing all those chores that come with moving -- finding an apartment, setting up internet, utilities, buying groceries, blah blah blah -- Bunny and I have hit the ground running in a bunch of other ways, too.

So far we've been on the news, doing what we do best as professional background actors. We were really great in that scene in the grocery store. And we've been in a couple of parades already, too. One for the Grito de Delores celebration in South Omaha and another in Downtown Omaha for Rivercity Roundup. Tonight I'll be putting makeup on a couple of my girl friends for a zombie beauty contest in Benson.

Oh -- and I smelled William Thompson's dismembered scalp. So, keeping busy!

I may not be updating on this blog very often, but I've started a new one that I think you might enjoy. It's called Dispatch:OMAHA and it's photo heavy and reading light. Don't miss that post about the scalp because it's a good one. Bunny and I are also doing a weekly podcast called Omaha Party and we'd love you to have a listen.

Please follow and enjoy!